(Where m I??)

Guess who? Its me !! Okok...I know Im cute ^0^

This is my handsome bro, Scooby..........Doo

This is little Chopin......adorable.

She is Molly, my pretty sis....do we look alike??

Even our sleeping pose also look alike...thats what we call siblings *0*
ah, molly is your sis! i've been to her blog before. she is now under foster hooman rite while the owner is somewhere somewhere! LOL
ha! you two are almost lookalike if not molly has that black patch and yours brown! how do you know your siblings? their hooman are your family members and friends or what?
yes, when you get the catzzzz home please update us!
wet wet licks
Wah Boo, u got soooooooooo many question ah?? Nvm, let me answer 1 by 1 ah.
yeah, Molly is my sis, she is staying with 2 JRT now while her mommy need to training at penang.
Both me & Molly were adopted by our previous hooman mommy's friends which is my daddy & molly's mummy.
I dont know where Molly's new home but I manage to find her in the puppy.com forum. From that day onwards, we contact each other thru forum, friendster,msn & hp..but me & mommy haven meet both Molly & her mommy yet. We plan to have siblings gathering next year...mayb Jan & mommy decided to celebrate my birthday together-gether with Molly & Scooby. U must join my bday party k!! hehe
ok boo, Im gonna tell u when I meet those kitties k.
Your brothers and sisters are all as cute as you.
Simba xx
Hi Simba, thanks ya. But so far I only manage to get Molly & Scooby...the rest lost contact edy.
Your siblings are as cute as you...Its nice that you are still in contact with your siblings.
oh, u r having a barkday pawty? wow, that could be my first barkday pawty then! LOL
but i'm staying in KL, rather far away from seremban... let's see if my hooman allow me to go... *ahem* of course with them.
wet wet licks
You are all very pretty and handsome. It seems like the longer I have Snickers, the prettier she gets. I'll bet it will work that way for you too.
Sharon and Snickers.
Hi boy & baby,
Yeah we all look like mama, the gene is good so all beautiful & handsome....
No worries...we will be celebrating it at KL in june. I will send u an invitation card ya.
Hi Sharon & Snickers,
Yeah, Snickers is a pretty babe. I like her so much....Is she still available?? can she be my girlfriend?? a long-distance relationship?? hehe
Wow they are all so cute!!!
You're the handsomest of ALL! :)
Molly is your sister! Neat!
Bussie Kissies
Ben, of your mum is so pretty and your siblings and you are so........ cute....
~ fufu
OH my gosh, your mama is soo pretty and you and all of your siblings are soo neat looking! I personally love your markings the best!! Your eyes......
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
dear ben ben ! Molly here ^^
wah. i think we can make an album out of it.. a family tree even ! hehhee !
yeah... gotta get the pawty going well then.. and all of us will be hapeeeeee ^^ ^^
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