
Monday, April 21, 2008

Who is the real EVIL??

BenBen speaking OUTSIDE jail!!!
Yeah, Im free!!! Thanks for all the concern and kind words from all you pals. Im so touch that some of you were planning to safe me from jail and specially thanks to Benjamin, the Rotti from UK. Oh Ben, you are my buddy. What you did for that evil Twinkle was GREAT !!! and I love that EVIDENCE...LOL. We Ben rules the world!!!
Guess who safe me out the jail?? It was MOM !!! Yeah, I know she LOVE me much, more than Twinkle coz she put Twinkle into the jail now. Yes, Twinkle in the jail!!!

FOund guilty for being notti

Found guilty for putting Ben in jail without mom's permission

Found guity for corruption

Found guilty for threaten WW & Hippo

Found guilty for SMOKING!!!

WOW....I guess Twinkle will be in the jail for at least 50 years.....

The decision is non negociatable, no matter how he beg.

Wakkakakaa....I was so happy and I can't wait to greet my Mr.Seahorse but....

Mom is really upset for what Twinkle AND ME done...she claims Im the one who started all this said I shouldn't make fun with Twinkle's pic in the first place and Twinkle shouldn't came out with all those crap too. But since I have suffered in the jail and I have learn my lesson, she will release me from the jail but with TWO condition, NO TOYS & NO BLOG FOR A WEEK !!!


Both me & Twinkle are not allow to blog for a week but Wang Wang & Hippo will get the chance to write whatever they like on our blog.


Now, who is the EVIL ???


Myeo said...

I hope you mom will let Twinkle out of the jail soon.


Boo Casanova said...

oh twinkle can sit on his bum bum ar? that's so good. i still don't know how to do that yet coz as always ME NOT A CIRCUS DOG. LOL

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Ben!
No blogging for a week??? Something bad is happening at your home!
Sure I hope everything goes well from now on!
I love the begging picture!
Be nice. I will see you soon!

PS Sure is great to know that your are out of jail! Sorry for Twinkle!

Amber-Mae said...

Ah, serve Twinkle right!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

that sounds like CRUEL and UNUSUAL punishment to us!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh noo... I am planning a prison break for Twinkle!!

Duke said...

OH NO! We need our BenBen fix! We can't wait a whole week! So I guess we will just have to settle for news from Wang Wang & Hippo!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kien said...

hahah.. now that notti twinkle is in jail..hahah.. benben.. i think u better cool off for a moment.. dun make ur mommy angry.. she got a bit crazy nowadays.. i think because she can't stand 4 of u.. hahahhaahaha


Unknown said...

mom to Ben and Twinkle please,, no jail to Twinkle..
our of the jal soon please..
donĀ“t like look this thinks,, we feel so sad to Twinkle..
buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Amber said...

I'm sure Twinkle learn his lesson now. Hope you 2 can get along. No blogging for a week?!


Cassidy said...

Your mummy be strict!

Cassidy x

Lizzy said...

Oh Ben Ben, I'm so glad you've been set free! I think Twinkle definitely deserves to be put in jail, hee hee. That's just too bad you can't blog or play with your toys for a week! We'll miss you!


Peanut said...

Your mom is mean mean mean

shushu, momo & kero said...

Poor twinkle! Hope he is out of jail soon.