
Monday, June 30, 2008

End of June

Oh today is the last day of June ...meaning to say my barkday month is going to end soon. *Sob sob*. Can I have another June please???? I have so much of fun this month, I got lotsa wishes, greetings, pressie, hugs & kisses.

As promised, mom got another piece of cheese cake.....

How come the cake sooooooooooo tiny? You keep the rest in the fridge?? for my dinner?

Whatever!! Just give it to me Stingy mom.

and look what I got. Pressie from Mom, GG & Goofy.

and Goofy gave me a packet of that mom's new puppy?? To be safe...

and I got some extra "services" during my barkday month too...
 dad sure the best dad in the world.

LOVE you dad!!!!

slurpy licks,


Duke said...

What nice birthday gifts you got, BenBen!
Hey, your birthday month is ending and mine is just starting!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

What great birthday presents. Sorry your birthday month is coming to an end

Lacy said...

w00f's BenBen and all....hmmm watt pawsome barkday luv the messages likes to haff me ears scratched..

b safe,

Unknown said...

hi benajaminnnnnnnnnnnn
we came back...
the best to you in june was the some massages ..jajajaja
send a big hug

Murphey said...

Zen Puppy? wow, there's a puppy in there, how cool.

There's always next June for more birthday celebrations!


Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday Month, we are so sorry it is coming to an end :(

Amici said...

Happy Birthday Month!! That is greta that you celebrate the WHOLE month. I need to trick my humans into that.

Nice presents and lovely massages!

Abby said...

Hi, Ben Ben...

Happy Last Day of your Birthday Month...

We should have Birthday YEARS...Then they would never go away...

You got some great presents...

Abby xxxooo

BrandytheGreat said...

Massage galore! The little Coke can looks cute!

Agatha and Archie said...

Well at least you got a WHOLE month!!!! and you got some cool stuff!! Love A+A

Kess And Her Mama said...

Wow. What lovely treats. I reckon the massages are wonderfully relaxing! Never mind, there's always another June coming up.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ben!
Sure you got very nice presents for your birthday! And a special treatment from your Dad! You are so lucky!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What nice gifts. I love the photo of you hugging your presents.

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Mmm, cheesecake. My favorite! They should have given you another piece since you're 2 years old. Is Molly 2 too?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said...

Happy Barkday my buddy!!!

Hope you love the pressies.. Don't worry, there's no puppy in the Zen Puppy. It is tasty treats inside. Nice tasty treats!!!!


Simba and Jazzi said...

That must be the longest Barkday ever!

Simba x

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Happy belated birthday BenBen!! What a wonderful june ya had and cheesecake too!!!

Love ya Mona

Amber said...

Happy Barkday Benben~Sorry for wishing so late..cause of my mommy!!
you got pawsome pressies!


Myeo said...

You look very relaxed when your dad is massaging you. He must be doing a great job.

Boy n Baby