
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Din din for 2

Dad dumped mom at home last Friday, then this crazy lady came to me and whined how pity she was...I was like whatever, you dumped me everyday just to go to your stoopid office, yet I never complain.....
I sit there listened to her whining for about half & hour then she stop and said "Twinkle, lets have a candle light din din, just the 2 of us." I gave her my whatever face again coz I know she will just gave me the same boring kibbles again.........
Then I saw her ran into kitchen, took out some meat & vege from the cold box and start preparing for the din din. She looked at me and said "You are going to have homecook food tonight." I was like WHAT??? OMdoG, thats pawstastic!!! Im going to have homecook finally!!!
For your infor, BenBen that spoilt brat got kibbles for breakie & homecook for dindin everyday coz he staying with Grandma. How lucky he is...
After an hours.....

Mom's so call chicken rice. I cant see rice in my bowl...

Eh, how come mom got BIG juicy drumstick and Im not??? Evil mom.
Mom added some lamb jerky to make me feel better.

Message to Dad: Maybe you should dump mom more often...hehhehe

slurpy licks,


peemail: For your infor, we couldn't find candle...


Noah the Airedale said...

Twinkle your mum isn't evil at all she is really nice to give you some home cooked food. You are one lucky pup.


Peanut said...

Oh man what a good din din you got. You better be nice to your mom.

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

My,that din din looks awesome! Yup,your Dad should leave your Mom ever so often...=P Perhaps she will make more lovely things like steak, or lamb chops! Mmmmm....*licks lips*


Par said...

what a great din din!

Kodak the Eskie said...

Wow! You are lucky to have people food! You might not want to let your daddy come home!

Hugs, Kodak

Joe Stains said...

You totally got an awesome meal!! you are lucky!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Twinkle!
I'd love to have that din din!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You sure look very happy there Twinkle. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

We think your dindin looks delicious, Twinkle! yummmmmmmmm

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Casanova said...

be careful of candle. did you see the cow nearly got his nose burnt? lol

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

Think yourself lucky you had a home cooked meal. It looks so yummy.

Simba x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

did ur mum actually hv such a healthy diet?

and u are so lucky to share the same food

Snowy and Crystal said...

your post made 4 maltese eyes stare at the PC screen...that food looks yummy. Mommy never cook for us !! :(

maltese paws,


Abby said...

Hi Twinkle...

I think your dinner looked delish...

Abby xxxooo

Myeo said...

We totally agree with you,

Your dad should leave your mom home more often. Its to your benefit.

Boy n Baby

p.s: btw, where did you get the black bowl. We think it looks nice.