So guys, keep an eyes on the postman ya....make sure they hand it to you or else they will keep it coz our cards are real nice !! hehe....
I should call it a bookmark instead of xmas card coz we were run out of time & money....I requested a bigger card but mummy having financial pro recently, so no choice....hope u guys dont mind ya.
ah ben,
which hooman took your "shame shame" photo? must cover up!!!
i'll wait for your card. i have mailed yours last sunday. guess you'll receive it the next 2 days!
wet wet licks
Hi Boo,
Im so touch that U always visit my blog...slurp~slurp, my super french kiss.
haih...my mummy always took my pic when I fall asleep. by the way thats my favourite sleeping pose...hehe. I know I know, its a bad habit but I just cant change it.
Thanks for the card ya, I will ask gramma to check for me.
Hehe, That is a nice picture of you sleeping.
We will be waiting anxiously for your card. We hope you receive our card soon.
Boy & Baby
Haa. Ben, Great that you finished your cards. Hope to get your card soon. ;)
~ fufu
Sleep, I love to sleep zzzzz
Simba xx
Hey, that is one of my favorite ways to sleep as well! It gives the humans the easiest way to always pet my belly. Plus if the humans think its cute I may get more treats.
princess sneezes, Bai-Jin
Hey Benjy boy- you are so cute! I love your colors and markings. You are a very unique looking dog.
Don't worry about the size of your card! Mine is small, too. It's not the size that counts, it's just fun getting mail from all the doggy bloggers. I am sure we will all love your card.
Big Wags,
Dear Boy & Baby:
yeah, thats my favourite sleeping stlye but mummy said I a lazy fella....
Dear Fufu:
wait for my card k...I think it will b thr either this or next week..
Dear Justin:
Thanks for droping by, read ur blog & the dog dictionary was fun...mummy got 5 kittens at grampa house now...phew~~
Dear Simba:
I love to sleep in the afternoon...I will zzzZZZz from noon to evening then its play time!!
Dear Bai-Jin:
Yeah, daddy mummy love to pat my belly as well eventhough it looks funny but I dont care!
Dear Isabella:
Thank you thank you, I love my color & marking too..Hehe. Do u realise that Im a double faces doggy?? Mummy said I look naughty & mischievous on my right & innocent on my left..haha
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