
Friday, July 18, 2008

The Hooman Trip (Part 1)

The Hooman were away from home for 2 days. They went to a place call "A Famosa" located at Malacca state. First, I want to show the place they stayed for 2 days....they stayed in a nice villa!!!

I like this neighbourhood. I can run freely!! (mom: Dont mess with my pic!!)

I can have a pool pawty here too.

The interior look great.

The hooman having steamboat din din...slurp~~

They spent the 1st day at the water world & the night parade. I will talk about it next week. I wanna show some interesting pic here.

Meet the ELephant!!!

Those elephant are smart.

They do stunt, they performs and....

The elephant can ride a bicycle!!! OMdoG, look how big the bike is......

This is the BEST!! The elephant play basketball!!! can you see how smart he is??? and he did throw the ball into the basket.

Then they play soccer....both are good player & goalkeeper.

Last, I wanna show you the elephant dancing!!!

Cool huh??

I will leave the part 2 for is "HIS post"...hahhhaa.


Some of you were asking where is Hippo. Well, he is at home but not so good....

WHY?? you look for yaself...


Do I look a schnauzer to you??? I tell you the hooman sissy is crazy!!! She is totally suck in grooming!!! She cut off my beard & she tied a knot with my eye brown.....HELP!!! someone call SPCA!!! I will not showing my face untill I get back my beard....sob sob.

slurpy licks,



Huskee and Hershey said...

Wahaha.. poor Hippo!! But looks cute, to be honest! Ben, you are lucky that you have short fur!
Wow... looks like they had a fun time.. My mom LOVES steamboat too.. yummmm

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Poor Hippo... You look funny now.. Maybe you should borrow the scarf from Ah Soh Twinkle

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'd love to meet an elephant. Looks like you are all having fun.

Simba x

Abby said...

Hi, Ben Ben...

That looks like a fun place...

I think Hippo looks cute...

Abby xxxooo

Noah the Airedale said...

Looks like the humans had a great time away.
Don't worry Hippo the beard will grow back. You look cute anyway.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Amber said...

aw, Hippo, you still look adorable! mommy went to see the elephants before, and she got whacked by a baby elephant trunk..lols!! I love steamboat!! meatballs :L

~have a nice weekend~

Duke said...

How neat to see the elephants doing tricks!
Hippo is cute no matter what kind of haircut he has!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Poor Hippo. Those elephants are cool.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Take shelter in my house until your precious beard grows back! Hurry!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ben!
Looks like they had a great time! those elephants are amazing!
Hippo... glad to see you again.... even with your new look!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Awww, poor Hippo! Don't worry your hair will grow back! J X

Moco said...

You get to go to the coolest places. We only get to go to the back yard.
Why doesn't your mom leave the grooming to someone else?

Par said...

Nice trip they went on.

Joe Stains said...

that looks like quite a nice place to spend a weekend. poor elephants being made to do stupid tricks :( But even worse, POOR HIPPO, that is some hair cut he got!!!

Myeo said...

Hey Hippo

Seriously you dont look that bad. You look like a WFT now.

Boy n Baby