
Monday, July 21, 2008

The Hooman Trip (Part 2)

Hi pals, its me Twinkle. Im gonna show the part 2 of the hooman trip.
The hooman went to the safari the next day. I think they were stoopid coz they put themselve into a crate.....a mobile crate...still a crate!!
then off they went to the safari....

They were lucky coz both the lion & tiger were not hungry....orelse I will have to look for another mommy....phew~~

Told ya they are crazy!!

then they saw Lila & Jessica wabbit's gang....

Duckie!! glad they never meet the meanie goose that bully Simba...

this donkey trying to get out ....

Then suddenly raining cat & dog and......sheep???

This cutie was running behind mom....I think he just came back from muddy spa...

and guess where the hooman hiding from the rain??

The chicken farm!!!

Now you know why BenBen is so nice letting me to post for today..

Hi chicken lil...


this is what mom got you know why Im not happy with my souvenior.

Too much!!!

slurpy licks,



andrahyb said...

Yeah! We are the FIRSTS to check out you lil' chicken, opps!

Many many chicks, so cute leh!
How we wish we were there loh!

By the way, we tagged you an award!
Do check out our blog huh?

Chicken-dy Kisses,
Rudolf & Goofy

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haaa chicken hat.. Are you sure you dont like it? You're smiling there..

~ Girl girl

Boo Casanova said...

peemail: no have photoshop at mom's offis so use picnik at the moment.

so many chicks! i wonder if u T are there, will u be as chicken as the little chicks?

wet wet licks


BrandytheGreat said...

What cute chickens! Hee!

Abby said...

Hi, Twinkle...

Your Mom met lots of nice animals on her trip...

The chicks were really cute...

I think your present is very nice...

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW those little chicks can move!! WE CAN NOT get over the fact that there is such a thing as a motorized crate...we have got to look into this! Love A+A

Duke said...

Hey, Twinkle! We want to see that chicken hat on your head!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Boo Boo said...

Hi Chicken Little,

I can tell that you are secretly feeling happy ....

Par said...

Little chicken are so cute!

Peanut said...

mom wants to know what is wrong with a chicken hat? Grammie bought a chicken hat (not quite like yours) for our girl when she was a baby and almost all of grammie's grandkids have worn it.
The hooman's trip looks like fun.

Amber-Mae said...

The villa is very nice! I think we're going to stay in one of those Villas with some other friends too during the puasa month. Can't wait to jump in the pool! Oh my hoomans have been to both the water world & the zoo. My Mommy said, that zoo is the most saddest zoo she has ever been to! The chickens were in terrible condition with missing feathers. Some were dead behind the glass windows. Very depressing indeed. None of the animals there were well kept. There was also a puppy Rottweiller kept in a small wooden hut cage. The elephants sure were talented but if you watch them again especially the older ones, they ain't enjoying themselves. I hope the people in that zoo take good care of them. Their health & welfare is very important. Much more important than making money from visitors...My Mommy also got conjunctivitis from swimming in one of the pool in the water park. Eeek! But I hope your hoomans had a great time there. A'Famosa is a nice place altho a little boring.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer